Sign Names

asl deaf culture Apr 11, 2024

What is a Sign Name?

It's a way to identify someone in the Deaf community using a sign that represents them. Typically, the sign name is related to a physical attribute or a personality trait. 

Mine is an R handshape making a sweeping motion on the side of my mouth. Why? The sign for laugh is similar and I have a habit of laughing a lot. 

One thing to keep in mind about Sign Names is that a Deaf person should be the one to give you one. You should never beg for one. This is considered rude and disrespectful. When you get a name sign, it means you have been welcomed into the Deaf community. By this point, you should be passed ASL 1. 

Sign Names also have rules about where they should be. There is some controversy about this but in general, they should be signed above the waist and not too far above your head. 

The Deaf community has been marginalized since the beginning of time. If you have no intent of using ASL appropriately or actively trying to be a part of the Deaf community, you don't need a sign name. Period. But if this is more than just a passing interest and you truly want to be an ally, continue learning, and someone who gets the pleasure of knowing you will give you a name sign. Be patient and sign on. :)

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