Happy New Year 2024

new year Jan 01, 2024

WOW! So many things have happened in 2023 and I am beyond grateful to my sassy bakers, friends, and family for supporting me in so many ways. 

Since launching in April, I have met so many people on this entrepreneurial journey. I have met those who gave me ideas for blog posts/vlogs, been cheerleaders, and mentors, given me opportunities to promote Bake it With Sass, and those who have been a source of encouragement when I have been unsure of what to do next. 

I have so many goals in 2024 and I know my big dream of building a community center for Deaf children someday will propel me through the rough days as well as the community around me. 

With God's help and yours, I hope to be able to:

  1. Upload 2 baking videos per month - one for New Sass on the Block and one for Beyond Sassy
  2. Start a TikTok account
  3. Have 30 subscribers total
  4. Hire an intern or two
  5. Sell some baked goods at a farmer's market
  6. Participate in a Taste of Home competition
  7. Be featured in another magazine that has readers who might want to become the next sassy baker

I've always been a bit ambitious but whatever happens in 2024 and beyond, I know Bake it With Sass will thrive! Here's to an awesome new year!

Have goals/promises you've made that you'd like to share? Comment or send me an email at [email protected] 

Side note, I watched a video on LinkedIn recently that talked about why we should use the word PROMISE instead of GOALS. The reason was that goals are easily broken and forgotten but promises mean YOU WILL GO FOR IT. Maybe you don't reach it but the fact that you got up and did the work that propels you toward it means you tried. That's all we can do. 

New Sass on the Block and Beyond Sassy Memberships!

Click below to see the baking curriculums we have to offer!

Get Ready to get Sassy!