O is for...

abc asl baking abcs Jun 05, 2024

O is for... OREO! I have never tried making these before but now that I am gluten-free and dairy-free, it's been a challenge finding some of my favorite desserts and often disheartening when I want to buy them since they are frequently double if not triple the cost of the regular version. 

My favorite is the Mint Oreos. I could eat half a package in one sitting but I try to control myself! I miss trying those new Oreos that come out every year. I did try those Sour Patch Kids Oreos last month, which were disappointing. I am a huge Sour Patch Kids fan - the one candy I buy a lot of. I used to buy Twizzlers - Peel and Pull but those hurt my teeth way more than any other chewy candy for some reason so I had to stop. Sad day!

What are your favorite flavors of Oreos? Or do you have a favorite dessert that starts with O? Let me know! 

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