asl competition innovationchallenge Apr 09, 2024

I still can't believe this but...Bake It With Sass is in the finals!!!!

For the last 6 months, I've been working hard to grow my Bake It With Sass to compete in this business competition. I have two mentors, Victoria and Jeff, who have given me so many awesome ideas and contacts to help make this a success.

One of my goals for this competition is to get to 1,000 followers/subscribers on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook! Are you one of them yet? No? If you already have accounts on any of these platforms, click that button! We can do it!

3 other businesses (plus a business founded by a high schooler) are competing for $10k!!!! WILD, I know! I have so many plans for that money. But honestly, even if I get $5k or $1k that would help me reach my next goal - hiring Inclusify Studio, a Deaf marketing agency.

If you are in the Denver area, I would love for you to come and support me. The event is free but an RSVP is needed. It will be held at Regis University's campus on May 3rd, 5:30 - 8 pm MST. If you don't live nearby or can't come but still want to support, you can also watch the livestream! More information will be on their website. 

New Sass on the Block and Beyond Sassy Memberships!

Click below to see whatĀ we have to offer!

Time to Bake!